LYRICAL + CONTEMPORARY Contemporary is based on the technical aspects of Classical ballet & Jazz dance. Contemporary dance principles include: centering, alignment, gravity, breath, contraction, release, fall & recovery, suspension, balance & off-balance, tension & relaxation, opposition & emotion. Lyrical dance is closely related to classical ballet; however routines are more expressive normally choreographed to a ballad or slow song. Lyrical dance requires strength, technique, musicality & imagination. It is a passionate, expressive dance style in which the dancer conveys & interprets the story & emotions of the music. Ballet is a prerequisite for this class and acrobatics is recommened.
ACROBATICSA fun and challenging class. Learn how to do tricks such as cartwheels, byranis, balances and backflips! Classes are open to all ages and are set to skill levels. Acrobatics also gives you an edge as a dancer/performer.
CONTORTION classes also available to work on balances, flexibility and extending your skills. Including chest balances, elbow balances, partner work, chest rolls and more. |
HIP HOPHip Hop music and dancing has a unique and unmistakable style that is very popular. Don’t miss out on the challenge and fun of hip hop style, while learning exciting choreography with all the latest moves. Classes are choreography based and a variety of different hip hop styles are incorporated.
BALLETThe basis of every dancer is ballet training. Provides a sound grounding in posture, strength, flexibility and technique. Any dancer who wishes to excel in dance must take Ballet classes. Students are taught barre work, centre work, strengthening and turns.
All classes are RAD based however are not exam classes. In 2021 we are also offering exam classes for Grade 1 (7-8yrs) and Grade 2 (9-10yrs). Min 2 classes needed for RAD and we highly recommend adding PBT class to your schedule. |
TAPTap dancing is one of the most entertaining, light hearted and classic of all the dance styles. Tap dance is a musical art form and a fun-filled way to develop rhythm, co-ordination and balance.
MSJ use the Tapatak syllabus for all classes. |
JAZZJazz classes incorporate a blend of technique, strength and style. Jazz dancing is energetic and fun, incorporating big leaps and quick turns. To do your best in jazz, dancers need are encouraged to also take ballet, as it encourages grace and balance.
SONG & DANCEDo you love singing and dancing to Top 40 hits? Well Song & Dance is great for beginners to advanced! Students learn to sing to a variety of different styles of music with an emphasis on pop music. Singing technique and microphone skills are taught alongside performance skills and pop/hip hop/commercial style moves.
PBTProgressing Ballet Technique is an innovative program developed by Marie Walton-Mahon for students to understand the depth of training muscle memory in achieving their personal best in classical ballet. The program is designed to improve a student’s understanding of their own core stability, weight placement and alignment. Working with a fit ball, students learn to understand correct posture, weight placement and alignment.
TECHNIQUE TRAININGExtend your training with exclusive work on your flexibility + strength whilst developing your skills.
BOYS ONLYA class designed specifically for boys! Let them explore the world of singing and dancing to songs by iconic male artists like Michael Jackson, Bruno Mars, Justin Timberlake and many more! For ages 7-12 yrs.
We offer both Boys Only Singing and Boys Only Hip Hop. |
INDUSTRYOur seniors LOVE our industry classes. Dancers train in a different style each week with a strong focus on commercial jazz, contemporary and hip hop.
PERFORMANCE PRACTICEMSJ Performance Company private students have the opportunity to showcase their routines to their peers and have an MSJ Teacher give feedback on what they can work on to improve.